What is CBG?


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In Japan, 2021 has been a twist-and-tryst-filled year within the influence of the COVID-19, but there is little doubt that 2022 will see the business of CBD growing even more.


In fact, CBD has become more popular in Japan recently and a lot of people are getting aware of what it is. But there is still so much to do.


As a comparison, in Los Angeles, California, where the marijuana has been legalized, it is much easier to see how CBD has invaded the market and it is also more simple to find products with CBD, wherever you go.


※A CBD shop in California


However, even if it is considered legal to use cannabis in some places all over the world, there are still many people concerned about its side effects and, therefore, some people are unwilling to use CBD products containing THC for this reason…


Yet, THC is not the only component from cannabis.

Indeed, we can also talk about other ones such as CBG, CBN, THCA … etc.


In reality, it is said that there are more than 100 types of cannabinoids in cannabis.


Among them, today we would like to talk a little bit more about the one called “CBG“.



Both CBD and CBG are a type of cannabinoids!

CBD = abbreviation for Cannabidiol

CBG = abbreviation for Cannabigerol


Therefore if you asked about the latter in Japan now, you will probably have a lot of “CBG? What’s that? I’ve never heard of it!!”.

I guess that Japan is still lagging behind the USA and Europe regarding CBD. And only time and knowledge can change things for the better in the future.


And as we want to contribute to it, let’s talk a bit more in depth about CBG.

Both CBD and CBG are a type of chemical substance called “cannabinoids” found in cannabis plants.

As said earlier, cannabinoids are chemical substances contained in cannabis plants, and cannabis plants contain more than 100 types of cannabinoids.


CBG for sale in California


All cannabinoids, including CBG and CBD, act on the body through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a system of complex neural circuits, neurons, receptors (etc.) that are present in the human body.

ECS contains receptors that are specialized for uptaking cannabinoids.There are more than 200 of these receptors in the human body.

The cannabinoids that reach the endocannabinoid receptors act on the body with the ECS.


And the CBG (Cannabigerol) is said to be the mother of all cannabinoids.

However, CBG decreases as the cannabis plant grows and matures.
And it is said that only about 1% of it is present in the mature cannabis, which makes it extremely rare.


Consequently, as the content is very low, a large amount of cannabigerol is required to be able to use it.
Therefore, the extraction cost is very high and it makes it an expensive component.


As a result, the research regarding CBG has not yet progressed compared to CBD.

This is the main reason why it is still not well-known by the general public.

Yet, some labos and researchers in the US are studying at a lower pace, the potential of CBG, betting for the future and the incredible possible effects of the yet unknown CBG.

For now, here are the main effects that have been identified:
・ Anti-inflammatory
・ Antibacterial
・ Neuroprotection
・ Increase of the appetite
・ Slow growth for cancer tumors
・ Useful for treating depression


And the list will certainly grow in the future.
Besides, there is little doubt that the United States will become the mainstream place for searches about CBG.


As the people who already know about CBD, it is possible to see that many effects seem similar with it.

And since neither CBG nor CBD have a psychotropic component (responsible of the effect of high), it is assumed that it will be possible to distribute in Japan too.

However, it is also undeniable that the price should be higher than CBD one.

Anyway, it is expected that research on CBG will grow in the following years and that it will be used too as an ingredient in medical treatment in the future…


※CBD雅Tincture (details)


CBD California Trading Company


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