Things to check when looking for CBD products…



The CBD market is still very young and not well known by the general public.


Indeed, the CBD market is still in its early years but yet growing fast, with no real regulatory framework in place for now. It means that, there are areas in which much still needs to be done to promote the industry.


Therefore, cannabis or hemp consumers have a few things to keep in mind when looking for CBD products.


□ Heavy metals, soil pollutants such as pesticides, and mold may all be included in the final product.
A product that is too cheap may be a reason for mistrust. In fact, it is important for the importer to know exactly what the product really is and where is it from.


□ The quality of the extraction technology is also very important. Indeed, if the extraction method used is not good, toxic solvents remain in the product.

So even if you import raw materials into Japan, how do you extract the raw materials?Is it a factory? Also it is necessary to check all that while importing products.


□ The content is not accurately displayed on the label. It is often stated that the content is higher or lower than the actual content. The importer should also verify that the notation is accurate before ordering the product.


So you may ask yourself, who should I buy the products from? When should I purchase? Where to buy from? Which country should I import the products from…?


Let’s try to answer these questions from now.



About CBD products you can buy online

According to a survey by the Journal of the American Medical Association done in 2017, on the 84 CBD products mentioned on the survey, 70% had an incorrect CBD content notation.


In addition, according to the analysis results at this time, THC was contained in 18 products, which far exceeded the permissible standard for hemp products.


Needless to say that it is not legal for children, pets, or marijuana. And then, it is a big problem for the country.


Consequently, when buying a CBD product, it is important that the importer becomes aware of the location, the quality of extraction, the real composition and carefully looks at the factories and producers when importing it into Japan…



All the previous points should be checked before you make a decision…




CBD California Trading Company


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